Sunday, February 22, 2015


In the first video Project Base Learning Part I, Anthony Capps gives some real examples how project base learning helps complete state standards.  The idea of children learning and creating while preforming a project , not performing a project after learning the material is a great concept I am excited about.  The use of review and reflect are also important parts of project base learning that this video made me aware of .

The second video with Anthony Capps called Project Base Learning Part II is further proving the point of Project Base Learning is a great way to engage students.   The use of collaboration is one of the biggest challenges with project base learning.  The point I really like was that  of student choice. A student having choices in projects I believe gives the student more ownership and more creativity.

This video with  Anthony Capps introduced me to Icurio .  This search engine seems to be the perfect search engine for any project involving computer research.  The feature  filtered content and knowing that students wont find inappropriate material are two components I find very useful.  Icurio also gives students the opportunity to practice how to store and organize their digital material.

The video Discovery Ed   with Anthony Capps shows us a tool that teachers can use to help their students to visually see subject matter with photos and videos on science and social studies.  Capps reminds us that visual images hold students attention more so than just hearing material. I feel this tool will work great with many project base learning projects.

The Anthony- Strange list of Tips for Teachers Part 1  video is a great starting point for teachers when thinking of using project base learning in their planning.  Realizing that as a teacher you too are now a continuous learner may be the most important step of all six.  Teaching is hard work, but  rewarding is a tip that I feel all teachers will do naturally.  I will have to constantly remember the tip of being flexible when I am teaching.  The step of starting with the goal in mind is a great plan when structuring my lesson plans.  I will find the step of engaging 100% of the students in 100% of their projects I believe will probably need some creativity.  The step I do like the best would be to reflect, revise and share with your audience or class.  These tips will help me work toward a engaging productive classroom.

Dont teach tech-use it is a video where Anthnoy Capps  reminds us that technology is a part of project base learning.  Capps shows how with each week a teacher can layer information for a topic using one technical tool at a time. I find this technique to be interesting and I look forward to including differnt parts of technology in my lesson plans.

The last video with Anthony Capps is Additional Thought About Lessons  reveals the different layers of lesson planning.   I really liked the way the lessons should be seen as  year, down to a unit, down to a weekly and  lastly daily levels to make sure your goal is achieved in the classroom.

Project #8 Book Trailer

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blog Post #5 PLN's What Are They?

Image result for project based learning clipart  in google

PLN's or Personal Learning Networks  was not something I knew anything about before this week.  Wow.  After listening to Dr. Lomax and watching the different video's on Personal Learning Networks I can see how PLN can help with my project base learning.  This is all new to me but it is very exciting.  The first step I have taken is starting a Twitter account. My first additions were  my instructors and my group classmates.

How can they help you as a teacher? PLN can help me as a teacher by using my network of contacts as referrals to my students when working on different projects in their project base learning.  I love history,  in particular history of the civil war, so I look forward to adding teachers and other agencies to my Twitter account who have the same interest as I.

I have to form my PLN  based on what interest myself and my class. I plan to ask for referrals from teachers that I already admire and I also plan to  ask for some good references and resources  with the contacts that I already have.  I understand that my network can be world wide and it will be exciting to find other educators who have the same interest as my own.

Project #7 Part A - My Sentence Videos

My Sentence Is..

My Passion Is..

Sunday, February 8, 2015

C4T #1- Project 4 Post 1&2

Post #1: In my comment for teacher project,  I was assigned William Ferriter,  The Tempered Radical.  He has written books on managing education and has an extensive website which he includes slide shows as his blogs as well.  The first blog I  read dealt with the idea of schools spending too much money on technology. He also suggested that schools should focus on the real issue of education, the learner, not how much technology a school has in their classroom.

My Comment: I posted my first comment to William Ferriter and introduced myself as college student majoring in education.  I thought some of his views were very unlike the ones I feel are being taught in our class here at University at South Alabama. I did agree with a lot of what he said about technology and its usage in teaching . He suggested that technology  could possible even get in the way of learning if not properly supervised by teachers.  I told him I enjoyed his blog and his realistic observations.  I signed on to follow  him in the future.

Google kids with computers  images, clip art

Post #2: The second blog that I saw was a slide show William Ferriter put together on Filter.  I sensed  some hostile feelings by the choice of  graphic images that William Ferriter put in his slide show.  There was not any cute kittens in this slide show and very few smiling faces. I see where he gets the tempered in his the tempered radical name. He has a strong concern about technology replacing education and the outcome it will have on our students, especially if  technology is not used properly.

My Comment: I posted a positive second comment  to William Ferriter.  He does have some very good points and I do believe his opinion on the matter is quite creditable.  I found him very enlightening and engaging.  If anyone could find the correct equation between technology and teacher instruction in a classroom, I feel  it would be William Ferriter. I really enjoyed viewing his blog.

Project #15

In visiting the different web search engines, I found lots of interesting ways to look up various amounts of information.   The search engines I have found valuable are Duck Duck Go, Bing, Dogpile, Ask, Wow, Webcrawler, AOL search, Wolfram Alpha.  Each website has similar layouts but different features.  The DuckDuckGo seach enginge proved to be an easy way to transfer photos to one's blog.  Wolfram Alpha was not as easy to transfer a photo but a great way to find unique information not found on other more popular websites.  Bing was a web site that was hard to transfer  photos from.  I was excited to find other ways to find information than just one search engine. I will use Duck Duck Go the most often of all the websites.
duck duck go

Blog Post #4

What kind of  questions do we ask to our students is an issue every teacher must address.  Teachers must consider what type of answer they want.   If teachers want detailed information to confirm that the students understand the content then their questions cannot be close ended. Yes or no answers are strong indicators that the question was poor when measuring the amount of content a student understands. I believe teachers must be very aware of the type of answers they receive to make sure the students understood the question asked.

We are learning that questions are more important than answers in our EDM 310  class.   I feel teachers need to spend time preparing questions that engage students interest and encourage thinking from their students deeper into the subject matter. Teachers should be aware of the different techniques they use when asking questions. I feel asking the right questions at the right time in the class is a powerful tool for teachers to gauge the progress of student's understanding.  Questions are powerful tools in the classroom.