Sunday, February 22, 2015


In the first video Project Base Learning Part I, Anthony Capps gives some real examples how project base learning helps complete state standards.  The idea of children learning and creating while preforming a project , not performing a project after learning the material is a great concept I am excited about.  The use of review and reflect are also important parts of project base learning that this video made me aware of .

The second video with Anthony Capps called Project Base Learning Part II is further proving the point of Project Base Learning is a great way to engage students.   The use of collaboration is one of the biggest challenges with project base learning.  The point I really like was that  of student choice. A student having choices in projects I believe gives the student more ownership and more creativity.

This video with  Anthony Capps introduced me to Icurio .  This search engine seems to be the perfect search engine for any project involving computer research.  The feature  filtered content and knowing that students wont find inappropriate material are two components I find very useful.  Icurio also gives students the opportunity to practice how to store and organize their digital material.

The video Discovery Ed   with Anthony Capps shows us a tool that teachers can use to help their students to visually see subject matter with photos and videos on science and social studies.  Capps reminds us that visual images hold students attention more so than just hearing material. I feel this tool will work great with many project base learning projects.

The Anthony- Strange list of Tips for Teachers Part 1  video is a great starting point for teachers when thinking of using project base learning in their planning.  Realizing that as a teacher you too are now a continuous learner may be the most important step of all six.  Teaching is hard work, but  rewarding is a tip that I feel all teachers will do naturally.  I will have to constantly remember the tip of being flexible when I am teaching.  The step of starting with the goal in mind is a great plan when structuring my lesson plans.  I will find the step of engaging 100% of the students in 100% of their projects I believe will probably need some creativity.  The step I do like the best would be to reflect, revise and share with your audience or class.  These tips will help me work toward a engaging productive classroom.

Dont teach tech-use it is a video where Anthnoy Capps  reminds us that technology is a part of project base learning.  Capps shows how with each week a teacher can layer information for a topic using one technical tool at a time. I find this technique to be interesting and I look forward to including differnt parts of technology in my lesson plans.

The last video with Anthony Capps is Additional Thought About Lessons  reveals the different layers of lesson planning.   I really liked the way the lessons should be seen as  year, down to a unit, down to a weekly and  lastly daily levels to make sure your goal is achieved in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I also liked the layering of lesson plans. I hope to also utilize this to our advantage as teachers so that we too might learn. Great organization!
